Ruby is on the small end of the standard at around 55lbs and light brown to Dark Deadgrass. She is very sweet and likes nothing better than a cuddle. She has a mind of her own that gets in the way sometimes. We are still working on her show championship title. In 2015 she was Best in Show and placed 3rd in the Triathalon at the Chesapeake Specialty.In 2017 she Was winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the Specialty. She has been certified CGN ( Canine good neighbor ) Born January 2013 Ruby is now retired from Motherhood. We said goodbye to Ruby on Feb 26 2023

Brogan is 25.5 inches tall and 100lbs.
Born Jan.13. 2013. From a litter of 13.
He is a happy I just want to please you kind of dog. Always ready to play with people and other dogs he greets everyone as a friend.
He attained his show championship at the young age of 9 months including one Best of Breed win over a ranked special. At the Canadian Chesapeake Specialty that same year he was Best Puppy in Show, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite. In 2016 Brogan achieved his Obedience and Senior Hunter Titles and will be competing for his Master Hunter Title in 2017.
Brogan sired his first litter in June 2015 and some of those pups were in the field hunting on a limited basis at 4 months.
As of July 31st 2016 Brogan became the first Chase Ability titled Chesapeake in Canada.
Sadly we had to make the decision to say goodbye to my hard charging boy on May 27 2023.